Some flowers improves mood, others calm. There are also those that can bring good luck, wealth, love. There are also flowers, which should not be kept in the house, especially the bedroom - these include mainly cacti.

Regardless of the season and the temperature outside, eager to surround ourselves with multicolored plants. Not only they adorn the interior of the house and enjoy the eyes, but also increase the amount of oxygen in the room, and some also beautifully fragrant. Furthermore, some of them have magical qualities. Setting them at home can make in our life we will settle joy, peace, love and harmony.

Flowerpots good luck

Among the most popular happy flowers are called. Lucky Bamboo, which is like bamboo shoots dracaena. They are small in size, and the stem to bend in a fancy spiral. Feng shui masters believe that they are the flowers home furnishing harmony of all the elements. Especially if we do not keep them in the ground, in water and stalks tied with a red ribbon symbolizing fire. How many stalks should be? It depends on the purpose. Fortunately they bring three bamboos. Wealth - five. Health - six.

Crassula, or the famous "tree of happiness" brings home to peace and positive energy. His round leaves also symbolize wealth. If your home lacks harmony, put on the tree of happiness.

Camellia is not only beautiful flowers, but also a very positive energy. It brings harmony, joy and faithful friends.

Oxalis, the equivalent of four-leaf clover provides wealth and prosperity. It should have it at home.

Flowers for signs of the zodiac

Aries - Aries happy flower is the rose. But it\’s important not to put her in the bedroom. Spikes plants can spell trouble in the partnership.
Taurus - a happy flower for Taurus is violet. It brings harmony and sensitivity.
Gemini - a happy flower for Gemini is the iris, which symbolizes immortality and strengthens the imagination.
Cancer - a happy flower for Cancer is the poppy. It helps to cope with everyday problems and difficulties.
Leo - a happy flower for Lion is a sunflower. It provides strength and energy and a positive approach to life.
Virgo - a happy flower for Mary is buttercup. Adds courage and self-confidence, helps fight with complexes.
Weight - a happy flower is the forget-me for balance. It increases concentration and helps make decisions and facilitates fidelity.
Scorpio - Scorpio happy flower is the orchid. It provides love and great passion.
Sagittarius - a happy flower for Sagittarius is the anthurium. Opens love and makes it easier to engage in a romantic relationship.
Capricorn - a happy flower is the daffodil Capricorn. Soothes the nerves, it helps to calm, cure insomnia.
Aquarius - a happy flower is the daisy for Aquarius. Just as anthurium, it helps fight fear before engaging in romantic relationship.
Fish - happy "Flower" for Pisces is sage. This herb strengthens intuition and protects against negative influences.

Flowers that bring bad luck

Experts agree that the biggest mistake when it comes to plants in your home is to put in the bedroom cactus. It symbolizes the suffering, failed relationships or partner who will be hurt us. Cacti are not at all good flowers and potted better not to keep them at home. The exception is the area door - set here protects against burglary.

Bad choice if we dream of happiness in love is also ivy. This plant symbolizes toxic relationships, servitude and lack of balance in giving and taking.

Hibiscus, though exceptionally beautiful, also did not bode well for the emotional life. According to folk tales makes the bloom of new love is inhibited, and the union did not survive.

Also, philodendron does not enjoy a good reputation as a houseplant. It is said that this flower that contribute to the ... divorce.