In addition to the colorful fruits and vegetables that enjoy our eyes on the plates are increasingly present various flowers that not only are the pride of the plate, but also an accessory that you can eat
Fashion for edible flowers is in our kitchens more and more popular. Of course, we do not have in mind here cauliflower, broccoli and artichoke, which also flowers. The tradition of using flowers to food is known and practiced around the world for a long time. Just to mention floral waters: orange or rose or herbal blend so well-known that there are herbs de Provence, where you can find dried lavender flowers.
Flowers, is not only a decorative element, but also rich in vitamins and tasty addition to the known traditional dishes. Their advantage is not only a beautiful color and appearance, but also an interesting addition that will impress all diners.
Of course, not all flowers can eat before drinking, we must be sure that the plant will not harm our health or life. It is not just about the fact that some species of plants and their flowers can be poisonous juices. It should be remembered also that flowers can be sprayed in the face, and to their crops might be used pesticides or insecticides. Therefore, in order to protect themselves from possible unpleasant ailments should know where the data is flowers come from. The best solution is to use plants from your own garden or pots. If we have a meadow nearby, can we make to stock up on flowers while walking, but you must remember to collect plants in areas less polluted, away from busy roads and not exposed to animal droppings. Nor should one eat those plants that show symptoms of the disease or been eaten by insects. Of course, more and more flowers you can buy at fairs or stores with a healthy food, before buying you should learn from what place they come from.
Unfortunately, not all flowers are edible. We need to be absolutely sure of what we eat. So if we are not sure whether the flower is the one for which we believe him, do not let us eat it. Some flowers are so poisonous that are not suitable even for decorating dishes. Allergy sufferers should be especially careful when eating flowers, because they can cause sensitization.
Acacia, marigold, anise, basil, begonia, no black, no lilac, cornflowers, pansy, broccoli, chrysanthemum, zucchini, garlic, pumpkin, beans, violet, phlox, geranium, clove, pear, peas, hibiscus, apple, jasmine, redbud, artichoke, coriander, clover, fennel, cauliflower, lavender, lily, lime, lovage, poppy, mint, dandelion, marigold, nasturtium, impatiens, borage, oregano, orange, primrose, rosemary, rose, arugula, chamomile, sunflower, daisy, salvia, wood sorrel, chives, mallow, plum, tulip, thyme, Japanese honeysuckle and cherry.
If you're just starting our adventure of eating flowers, eat better at the beginning of their small quantities, mainly cereals themselves. It should also be borne in mind that usually the flowers, which are distinguished by a distinctive smell, will have a strong, strong flavor. Although these fragrant me will enjoy the eye and it will be interesting addition dishes.
There are many ways to do that in our diet appeared flowers. You can add them to a variety of dishes - rice, tarts, soups, salads or dishes to create them themselves as pancakes. Grated rose petals can create a sauce for dishes, and a combination of several types of flowers runner bean soup boil.
Of course, the flowers also prove themselves as preparations - jam with rose petals, violet syrup or sugar lavender are just a few of the variations on the flower of sweet additions to cakes and desserts.
It is worth experimenting not only with the types of flowers, but also to try interesting connections and components, all of which conjure up tasty and colorful dishes.