Highworth Flowers

Swindon, 19 High Street Highworth Swindon Wiltshire SN6 7AG

(Rating: 3, votes: 1)
Phone: show phone number
WWW: highworthflowers.co.uk
Opening hours: view opening hours
Street: Swindon, 19 High Street Highworth Swindon Wiltshire SN6 7AG
Contact form: send e-mail
Highworth Flowers - description
Find us in Highworth High Street, next door to the newsagents and opposite the archway to St. Michaels church (very handy for wedding flowers!).
Highworth Flowers
Reviews / Comments
Joha / 2015/08/28:

A gorgeous rose...I have a sliimar one in my garden, and I love it! Such a pretty shade of pink, lots of blooms, and very hardy (which it needs to be with me as a caregiver ;D)Thank you so much for stopping by to leave such a kind message...and for clicking over to vote. I really appreciate it!

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